Travel to Impact Liberia
Using your time, treasure, and talent to break the cycle of poverty through education and prayer in Liberia, Africa.

Travel to Impact Liberia
Using your time, treasure, and talent to break the cycle of poverty through education and prayer in Liberia, Africa.

Travel to Impact Liberia
Using your time, treasure, and talent to break the cycle of poverty through education and prayer in Liberia, Africa.
What is this program?
Travel to Impact Liberia (TIL) is an initiative of Change Agent Network that aims to provide the figurative bridge between individuals desiring to seeking to make a real difference, and the beneficiary communities who truly require it and are determined to be faithful stewards of the resources given to them.
Do you feel a strong nudge to do something that benefits someone else? Something which is much more challenging, bigger, and greater than yourself? Searching for adventure and personal growth? Do you have a desire to see, experience and discover faith in new and meaningful ways but just don’t know what step to take next? Travel To Impact Liberia exists to assist others in exploring a world bigger than ourselves with love and humility. This wonderful program provides you the opportunity to go from success to significance. Success has to do with the things we accomplished for ourselves but significance has to do with the things we do for others who can never repay us.
“Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
An enduring (but not endearing) quality of the world we live in is the inequality of human existence within and between disparate societies. Whilst many are privileged to enjoy regular access to the basic amenities of living (food, shelter, education and healthcare), many others are confronted daily with seemingly insurmountable challenges posed by their natural environments which keep them from enjoying these bare essentials required to maintain minimum human dignity. And while there are a considerable number of charitable-minded individuals ready to give their time and resources to provide a means of livelihood to these underprivileged, they typically lack an accessible and reliable channel through which to provide an effective intervention.
Here is your biggest and greatest opportunity to make a difference in the world!
TIL offers you an opportunity to visit the burgeoning community development effort of Change Agent Network in Liberia, and to personally witness a quiet societal transformation in the early stages of its progress. There is the attendant prospect for such individuals to share not just their material resources, but also their skills and life experiences with an intrinsically hospitable but disadvantaged community attempting to rebuild itself after the ravages of a consumptive civil war. An exciting side-feature of TIL is the personal self-discovery for participating visitors that frequently follows as a consequence of selfless engagement in a genuine community welfare/development initiative. The various testimonies of professionals in diverse industries such as healthcare, education and energy who have completed a TIL visit are a tribute to this experience.
Looking for adventure, but with a purpose?
"Come see what God is up to in Liberia, and witness a societal transformation in progress."
See what change looks like in action.
"Schedule your trip to Liberia today."
Bridge the gap.
"Meet your global neighbor living on less than $2/day. You’ll learn lots about them—not to mention plenty about yourself too."
Reserve your Travel to Impact Liberia seat
with a non-refundable fee of $200 (You will receive an instructional orientation booklet about the trip and a CAN T-shirt):
From the donation dropdown list, select Mission & Volunteer Trips.
In the memo section of your check, please write TIL.
Photo Gallery
What is Travel to Impact Liberia?
TIL is an initiative of the Change Agent Network designed to help those in the U.S. experience and advance the work of educating children in Liberia. You might call it a volunteer or mission trip.
Our hope for you is to connect deeply with the history, culture and—most importantly—the people of Liberia. You’ll return home transformed and filled with hope by what God is doing even among the most disadvantaged.
Frequently Asked Questions
A typical trip lasts between 6-14 days.
We’re here to help every step of the way. That includes:
⦿ Flight arrangements
⦿ Visa applications
⦿ Cultural Education about Liberia
⦿ In country transportation
⦿ Accommodations
⦿ Sight-seeing
⦿ Project organization
⦿ General advice
We encourage all visitors to fundraise for this experience. Sound intimidating? We can help with that too. Here is a sample fundraising letter you can use.
Here is a list of suggested items to pack.
Mrs. Becky Boudreaux - Former Principal of Westminster Christian Academy, Lafayette, Louisiana USA.
I have worked at the Lafayette Campus of Westminster Christian Academy for 22 years. This is my thirteenth year as principal. Our mission has always been to train up our students in God's Word so they can walk out the Truth and serve in our school, neighborhood, city, country and to lands that are far away. We want to develop leaders who see a need and then go into action to meet that need. Our students can make a difference!
Teacher Todd Cannon from Indiana USA on His Visit to Liberia in November, 2015
TIA: This Is Africa
The road from the airport is dark. Human shadows line the road- their shapes briefly illuminated by headlights before disappearing into the darkness. Moving closer to the city, the shadows increase to reveal larger crowds congregating along intersections and open spaces. It’s after midnight and the throngs of people outside are unsettling, creepy. “What are these people doing, Eric? Just hanging out?” I am fascinated and confused by this late-night procession, and I can’t help thinking that this is some zombie apocalypse unfolding outside my window.
Mr. Dan Machande - The Villages, Florida USA.
I had the opportunity to travel to Liberia over the past couple weeks. To say that the experience was life changing, does not say enough. I was invited to go and work with Change Agent Network and Eric Willise Wowoh at Heart of Grace School. We went there to conduct a training for a group of pastors and school leaders. But what we received in return was much greater.