See our schools
We have built 28 schools in total, but we own and operate 5 campuses in 5 different counties of Liberia.
A typical school in Liberia looks like:
About 100 deprived Liberian school children sitting on concrete cement bricks (cinder blocks) in a single, tight, dark room about 35x50ft in dimension with no chalk board/black board to write on.
But CAN schools are changing that narrative.

CAN Leadership Academy (CANLA - MONT)
Formerly known as: Heart of Grace School
Location: Jacob's Town, Rehab Community, Lower Johnsonville, Montserrado, County, Western Liberia.
Launched: 2008
Current students Population: 740
Employees: 43
Grade Level: K-12
Land Size: One acre

CAN Leadership Academy (CANLA - LOFA)
Location: Fissibu Town, Zorzor District, Lofa County, Northern Liberia.
Launched: 2016
Total students Population: 150
Total number of staff: 19
Grade Level: K-12
Land Size: Over six acres

CAN Leadership Academy (CANLA - BONG)
Formerly known as: Alexandria A. Andrews Academy (Triple-A)
Location: Brooklyn Community, Gbarnga City, Bong County, Central Liberia.
Launched: 2013
Total Students Population: 423
Total Number of Staff: 52
Grade Level: K-12
Land Size: Five acres

CAN Leadership Academy
Formerly known as: Wyatt Leadership Academy
Location: Neegbein Town, Ganta City Limit, Nimba County, North-Eastern Central Liberia.
Launched: 2019
Total students Population: 480
Total number of staff: 39
Grade Level: K-10
Land Size: Five acres

CAN Leadership Academy (CANLA - MARGIBI)
Also known as: Mississippi School
Location: Holder's Farm Community, Kakata City, Margibi, North Central Liberia.
Launched: 2020
Grade Level: K-12
Land Size: Five acres