Alexandria A. Andrews (AAA) Academy

“If your plan is 1 year, plant rice. If your plan is 10 years, plant trees. If your plan is 100 years, EDUCATE CHILDREN!”

"Breaking the cycle of poverty through Education in Liberia".

Alexandria A. Andrews Academy functions on our daily low cost fees payment system that offers underserved parents and students a unique model of acquiring quality education no matter their economic or social status in society, thereby making education available, accessible, affordable and attainable for the Liberian Child. 

The Alexandria A. Andrews Academy otherwise known locally as the Triple A. Academy or AAA Academy, is our second elementary, junior and senior high school and development center to be built in Liberia.

In November of 2012, we were able to acquired 5 acres of land in this strategic part of the country primarily to be developed as a HOPE center for the local community.

The school is located within the Nyentasue Community area sitting on top of the hill in the forest on the Lofa Road in Gbarnga Bong County Central Liberia.

This school was built between November 2012 and September of 2013. AAA Academy or Triple "A" Academy, is in fulfillment of our goal in Liberia is to establish and fully equip affordable Christ-centered education and skills training institutions in every county of the 15 counties of the country. We started construction work of the school with donor support and strong community involvement and commitment.

The school runs from Kindergarten through 12th grade.  The school was launched and opened for academic operations in September of 2013 and it is model after our first school called Heart of Grace School built in 2008 in the City View Community area, Lower Johnsonville, Montserrado County, Monrovia, Liberia.

Our school year starts in September and ends in June of each year. Our morning school or AM school section runs from 8:00AM through 1:45PM then our afternoon school or PM school section runs from 2:00PM through 6:00PM Mondays through Fridays.

Triple "A" School Photo Library.

Triple "A" School First Graduation.

We had our very first graduation ceremony at the school for the Kindergarten division. Total number of students graduating from kindergarten to 1st grade was twenty-one students (21 students). Graduation and Closing Date was held on Friday June 20, 2014.

Triple "A" School Student Enrollment Academic Year 2015-2016.

The population of Triple "A" School before the Ebola outbreak stood at 1000 students, including students from the general public of our computer training center . The school official uniform color is navy blue top and khaki pant or skirt.  However, School population in the 2014 - 2015 academic year stood at about 450 students. The sharp drop in student enrollment was due to the Ebola Epidemic in Liberia which was the epicenter of this deadly virus.


History Photo Library of Triple "A" School Construction